The importance of communication during a custody dispute

On behalf of Bebout, Potere, Cox & Bennion, P.C. posted in child custody on Thursday, September 28, 2017.

If you are going through a child custody dispute, there could be many different challenges you are facing. For example, you could be stressed out as a result of court, or you could worry that you will lose your ability to participate in your child’s life as much as you want to. Moreover, your child could be experiencing emotional problems or struggling as a result of the dispute, which underlines how vital it is to communicate during this time. Our law firm knows how important communication is for many families in Rochester and all over the state of Michigan, especially when a custody dispute arises.

Sometimes, speaking with your child’s other parent about custody can be helpful, even if you are already working through a dispute. Having said that, these disputes can be very contentious and that certainly is not always an option. On the other hand, if you are able to talk to your child about what is happening, this can be extremely beneficial. Children may have any number of concerns and questions about a custody dispute and it can be very important for parents to sit down and do their best to reassure children.

From custody to child support and property division, family law can be incredibly tough in certain cases. However, fully understanding all options and ensuring that the right steps are taken can help tremendously. If you navigate over to the section of our website devoted to child custody, you can read through more material on

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